Infusion Toxicology

Infusion Toxicology

The infusion toxicology services are an important area for the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. Alta Stomatology offers comprehensive infusion toxicology testing services to assess the safety and efficacy of oral disease candidate drugs in the preclinical development stage. Our services include a variety of testing methods and study designs to assess the toxicity of oral disease drugs administered through intravenous routes, such as intravenous (IV) and intra-arterial (IA) administration. These services involve comprehensive evaluations of toxicity, dose range studies, and safety pharmacology assessments to assist with regulatory submissions and clinical trial planning, in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors. If you have any needs, please feel free to contact us.

Our Services

At Alta Stomatology, our infusion toxicology services are meticulously designed around each unique oral disease drug with the highest regard for accuracy, reliability, and efficiency. With state-of-the-art facilities and experienced scientists, we provide continuous and intermittent infusion toxicology studies in various species.

Infusion Capabilities

Ambulatory and Tethered Surgically Implanted Pumps Special Techniques
Indwelling catheters
Percutaneous catheters
Vascular access ports
Tail vein infusion
Ear vein infusion
Micro infusion pumps
Special delivery techniques


Rodent: mouse, rat Non-rodent: canine, rabbit, guinea pigs Non-human primates

Why Choose Alta Stomatology?

  • Expertise and Experience

Our team of toxicologists, pathologists, and pharmacologists has extensive experience in conducting infusion toxicology studies for oral disease drugs. With years of experience in the field, we have the expertise to design and execute studies that meet regulatory requirements and provide valuable insights into the safety and efficacy of drug candidates.

  • State-of-the-Art Facilities

Alta Stomatology is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge technology to support our infusion toxicology services. Our laboratories are equipped with the latest instrumentation and equipment, allowing us to conduct studies with high precision and accuracy.

  • Customized Solutions

At Alta Stomatology, we understand that every drug development program is unique, and we tailor our infusion toxicology services to meet the specific needs of each client. Whether our clients are developing a new oral disease drug or seeking to expand the safety profile of an existing drug, we can provide customized solutions to support their goals.

  • Timely and Transparent Communication

Effective communication is paramount to the success of any collaboration. We have timely and transparent communication with our clients, keeping them informed at every stage of the project and ensuring that their input is valued and integrated into our processes.

For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.
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