Drug delivery is a crucial technology in the biomedical field. Efficient drug delivery is of utmost importance for treating various oral diseases. Various new drug carriers have been discovered, each with unique advantages and application prospects. Novel drug delivery platform at Alta Stomatology employs advanced technologies such as nanoparticles, hydrogels, nanofibers, and scaffolds to offer an efficient and precise solution for drug delivery in oral diseases. For any requirements, please feel free to contact us.
Drug carriers are substances capable of altering drug forms, controlling release, and precisely delivering drugs to target organs. Some novel drug delivery carriers hold great promise for oral diseases, such as nanoparticles, hydrogels, and nanofibers.
Nanoparticles, with their tiny size and modifiability, can precisely target oral lesions, enhancing drug efficacy and preventing premature degradation. Hydrogels offer oral tissues a good wetting environment and suitable drug release conditions, promoting wound healing. Nanofibers mimic the extracellular matrix structure, facilitating the adhesion, proliferation, and differentiation of oral cells.
Our Novel drug delivery system uses cutting-edge carrier materials like nanoparticles, hydrogels, nanofibers, and scaffolds to ensure efficient drug delivery. Tailored to overcome the challenges of the complex oral environment, these systems optimize drug loading and release kinetics.
Alta Stomatology utilizes both inorganic and organic nanoparticles to encapsulate oral disease drugs. These nanoparticles, such as mesoporous silica and calcium silicate nanoparticles, demonstrate excellent drug loading and release properties, making them ideal for treating conditions like dental caries and promoting tissue regeneration.
Alta Stomatology utilizes natural and synthetic hydrogels to serve as 3D networks for drug delivery. These thermosensitive hydrogels are particularly promising for periodontal regeneration and anti-inflammatory applications, offering sustained release of drugs for extended therapeutic effects.
Alta Stomatology harnesses the high surface area and porosity of nanofibers to carry antimicrobial agents and accelerate wound healing in oral tissues. Polymeric nanofibers, prepared through techniques like electrospinning, provide an efficient platform for localized drug delivery.
Scaffolds developed by Alta Stomatology carry growth factors and provide stable support for oral bone tissue repair. Advanced biological scaffolds offer a reliable platform for targeted drug delivery and promote jaw disease treatment.
Our platform has a wide range of advanced drug delivery systems that can be selected according to different drug properties and therapeutic needs, ensuring stability, solubility, and bioavailability.
The scientific team at Alta Stomatology comprises experienced scientists and researchers possessing a profound understanding of the pathogenesis of numerous oral diseases and solid expertise.
We value collaboration and partnerships, working closely with our clients to understand their unique needs and objectives. Whether you are a pharmaceutical company, academic institution, or biotech startup, we are committed to forging productive collaborations that accelerate drug delivery.