Root Caries

Root Caries

Alta Stomatology is a pioneering oral disease research company dedicated to developing cutting-edge treatment modalities and preventive measures for root caries. Our team has extensive experience in root caries research and drug development. We can provide tailored services to our clients based on their specific needs, including the development of fluoride formulations, remineralizing agents, antimicrobials, and innovative restorative materials. If you have any needs, please feel free to contact us.


Research on Root Caries

Root caries is a prevalent oral health issue that affects a large population of individuals, particularly older adults. It occurs when the root surface of teeth is exposed to acid-producing bacteria, leading to decay and cavities. As the aging population continues to grow, the prevalence of root caries is expected to increase, making it a significant public health concern.

Some of the key areas of progress in drug development for root caries include fluoride varnishes and gels, which effectively prevent and reverse root caries. These products work by strengthening the enamel and dentin of the teeth, making them more resistant to acid erosion. Another promising area of research is the use of antimicrobial agents, such as chlorhexidine and silver diamine fluoride, to inhibit the growth of bacteria that cause decay. These agents can be applied topically to the teeth to help prevent and treat root caries. In addition, researchers are exploring the use of remineralization agents, such as calcium phosphate-based compounds, to help rebuild and strengthen damaged tooth structures. These agents work by depositing minerals back into the tooth enamel, restoring its strength and preventing further decay.

Our Products





Our Services

Alta Stomatology takes pride in offering a comprehensive range of services designed to revolutionize root caries prevention and treatment. Our research-backed services include the development of fluoride formulations, remineralizing agents, antimicrobials, and innovative restorative materials.

Fluoride Formulation Development

Fluoride is one of the most effective and widely used preventive treatments for dental caries, including root caries. Fluoride works by strengthening the enamel and making it more resistant to acid attacks from bacteria. At Alta Stomatology, we are committed to advancing fluoride formulations to enhance their efficacy in targeting root caries. Our formulations are designed for sustained fluoride release, ensuring long-term protection against root caries. Whether in gels, solutions, or restorative materials, our fluoride treatments are tailored to diverse patient needs.

Remineralizing Agents Development

Addressing the demineralization-remineralization balance is critical in root caries management. Alta Stomatology specializes in the development of remineralizing agents that promote the restoration of mineral content in demineralized root surfaces. Our remineralization agents are formulated based on the latest scientific understanding of the carious process, ensuring targeted and effective remineralization to counteract the progression of root caries.

Antimicrobials Development

Microbial activity plays a pivotal role in the progression of root caries. Alta Stomatology is dedicated to developing antimicrobial agents that target and inhibit the growth of bacteria responsible for the demineralization of tooth surfaces. Our approach involves precision in targeting pathogens while preserving the natural oral microbiome, ensuring developing antimicrobial treatments that are effective, safe, and targeted specifically at root caries.

Innovative Restorative Materials Development

In addition to preventive treatments, Alta Stomatology is also focused on developing innovative restorative materials for the treatment of root caries. These materials are used to fill cavities, repair damaged teeth, and restore the natural function and appearance of the teeth. Our researchers are working on advanced restorative materials that are durable, biocompatible, and aesthetically pleasing, providing patients with long-lasting solutions for their oral health needs.

Analysis Services

  • Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
  • Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (LC-MS)
  • Western Blot
  • Flow Cytometry
  • Whole-genome Sequencing
  • Electrophoresis Technology
  • Microarray Technology
  • Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)

Customized Research Services

With the accumulated rich R&D experience and leading technology platform, Alta Stomatology can provide customers with high-quality "one-stop" services. For root caries, we can offer a variety of customized research services, including animal model establishment, drug screening & therapeutic efficacy testing, in vitro and in vivo study, novel drug delivery system, oral organoid development, and bioinformatics analysis.

Animal Model Establishment

Animal Model Establishment

 Drug Screening

Drug Screening

In Vitro and In Vivo Study

In Vitro and In Vivo Study

Novel Drug Delivery System

Novel Drug Delivery System

Oral Organoid Development

Oral Organoid Development

Bioinformatics Analysis

Bioinformatics Analysis

Diagnosis Methods of Dentin Caries

Diagnosis Methods Description
Advanced Imaging Utilizes cutting-edge imaging technologies such as digital radiography and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) can visualize and assess the extent of root caries lesions. These techniques provide high-resolution images, aiding in precise diagnosis and treatment planning.
Laser Fluorescence Laser fluorescence technology is employed for the early detection of demineralized tooth structures. This non-invasive method allows for the identification of root caries lesions before they are clinically apparent, enabling proactive intervention and preventive measures.
Microbial Analysis Understanding the microbial composition in the oral environment is crucial for assessing the risk of root caries. Advanced microbial analysis techniques to identify and quantify bacteria associated with caries progression. This information guides personalized treatment strategies and preventive measures.


  1. Takahashi N.; Nyvad B. Ecological hypothesis of dentin and root caries. Caries Research. 2016, 50(4): 422-431.
  2. Cai J.; et al. Status and progress of treatment methods for root caries in the last decade: a literature review. Australian Dental Journal. 2018, 63(1): 34-54.
For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.
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