Target Identification & Validation

Target Identification & Validation

Alta Stomatology is an oral disease drug research and development company dedicated to improving oral health through the development of innovative antibody therapeutics. Our team of experts is focused on target identification & validation in antibody development to identify novel targets for the treatment and prevention of oral diseases such as periodontal disease, dental caries, and oral cancer. Through a combination of advanced technologies and scientific expertise, Alta Stomatology aims to revolutionize the field of oral health care and provide patients with more effective and targeted treatment options. If you have any needs, please feel free to contact us.


Our Services

Target Identification

At Alta Stomatology, our first step in the antibody drug development process is target identification. We utilize a variety of cutting-edge techniques, such as high-throughput screening, bioinformatics, and molecular profiling, to identify potential targets that are involved in the pathogenesis of oral diseases. By understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying these diseases, we can effectively target and modulate specific proteins or pathways to develop therapeutic antibodies.

Target Validation

Once potential targets have been identified, we proceed to target validation to confirm their role in oral disease progression. At Alta Stomatology, we use a comprehensive validation strategy that combines in vitro and in vivo experiments, to assess the biological function of the target and its relevance to the oral disease.

Target Characterization

Alta Stomatology leverages advanced techniques such as X-ray crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry to unravel the selected targets' three-dimensional structure and functional intricacies. Understanding the detailed structure and function of the targets is crucial for designing precise and effective antibodies. Our team excels in deciphering the complex interplay between antibodies and their molecular targets, enabling the development of antibodies specifically targeting oral diseases. Through meticulous target characterization, we can ensure the development of antibodies with optimal efficacy, selectivity, and safety profiles.

Why Choose Alta Stomatology?

  • Advanced Technology

We leverage the latest technologies and methodologies in target discovery, such as next-generation sequencing, CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing, and high-content screening, to accelerate the antibody development process. These cutting-edge tools enable us to conduct comprehensive studies of oral disease pathways, identify potential targets with high accuracy, and develop optimized antibodies with improved efficacy and safety profiles.

  • Expertise and Experience

At Alta Stomatology, our team of scientists has extensive experience in antibody development and oral disease research. We have a deep understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying oral diseases and the technical expertise to successfully identify and validate novel targets for antibody therapies. Our multidisciplinary approach, combining biology, chemistry, and bioinformatics, allows us to execute complex projects with precision and efficiency.

  • Customized Services

At Alta Stomatology, we understand that every oral disease is unique, requiring a tailored approach to target discovery and antibody development. We work closely with our clients to customize services to meet their specific needs and objectives, whether it is identifying a novel target for a rare oral disease or optimizing the binding affinity of an antibody for a specific target.

For research use only. Not intended for any clinical use.
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